

Listen to the Hits!

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Mr. Seley's CDs are now available at these fine retail locations:

The Cupcake Station
136 N. Old Woodward
Birmingham, MI 48009
(248) 593-1903
(On Old Woodward North of Maple)

Solo Records and Tapes
30118 Woodward Ave
Royal Oak, MI 48073-0910
(248) 549-0581
(On Woodward North of 12 1/2 mile)

Street Corner Music
26020 Greenfield Road
Oak Park, MI 48237-1050
(248) 967-0777
(At Lincoln Center at Lincoln (10 1/2 mile) and Greenfield roads)

The CD also is available for $10 at shows.

Cool Kids Have Mr. Seley Ring Tones!